This is what happens when conversations go on for ages and words become mis-spelt and wrong and people think it is a good idea to write them down and then sentences become too long and people get annoyed and start to throw stuff at you....
In no particular order...
FAI pronounced fay bootiful FROOG pronounced frooj fishcakes personified MONAN pronounced mow-nan sticky little men SUSPICOPUS pronounced suss-pik-o-pus supicious hippopotamus CHINEMA pronounced chin-im-ar a chin theatre DARREFOO pronounced darry-foo life sucks
MOONJAB pronounced moon-jab frogs are better than humans
MARCI pronounced mar-see a fat american woman in a pink shell suit who doesnt like raccoons
WONDOW pronounced wonn-doe a wandering nomad window
WUICK pronounced woo-ick an angry fish (because it goes "wuick, wuick" and wuicks you with it's tail.... it's not a laughing matter)
There will probably be no more words any time soon... I apologise.