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Here are a few things to do with your fingers... if you ever get bored of their existence.

Stick them in a dripping dyke to save Holland from flooding. Use as a shoe horn. Cover in orange juice and stick in freezer. Hey presto, lollipop on finger! Point at an accident in the high street. Test temperature of porridge (If you are a bear). Put in end of a ketchup bottle to seal in the contents as you shake it to loosen the tomato goodness from the walls of the bottle. Brush away stray dog hair from painting of salad. Lick and point in the air to give impression you are a scientist investigating wind directions.

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Put inside a glove puppet to entertain a toddler or senile relation. Plunge into a saucepan and announce to the cook, "Oh, what a rich sauce!" Push your spectacles back onto nose to give impression of great wisdom. Push banana into outer space. Ram into pigeon's throat to recover lost tasty peanuts. Cover a complete stranger's eyes from behind and say "Guess who?", before apologizing for your error.Plunge into a Battenburg cake, thus ruining its charm, then offer to buy it for half price. Move peanuts away from eyes when sleeping in the grounds of a KP factory. Perform an initial test on a cat flap. And finally, of course, apply false eyelashes to a duck.

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