The Greatest Band Ever!!!!!!!!!

Radiohead are the best band's official... Well, at least I say they are and that's all that counts.

Anyway, after 5 albums, a load of brilliant singles and many groundbreaking tours, Radiohead are better than wait that's wrong, there at their worst at the moment, but are still producing quality music which just shows that even though they are making poor music by their standards, they are still better than ALL of the rest of the music industry.

The First Album

Pablo Honey was released in 1993, and on it was one of their first singles, Creep, probably their best ever song.
Album Number 2

Probably their best album, The Bends included 12 masterpieces. The 7 singles released from The Bends were My Iron Lung, High & Dry, Planet Telex, Fake Plastic Trees, Just, The Bends and Street Spirit.

The Next Album

OK Computer was released in 1997 with another of the greatest songs of all time, Karma Police. This was released as a single, as were Paranoid Android, No Surprises and Lucky.
The Year 2000

Kid A was Radiohead's fourth, and probably worst album. It was an interesting album because the band decided to not release any singles from it.


Amnesiac is a good album released in 2001. The first singles from it, The Pyramid Song and Knives Out, have very strange, and quite scary videos. Knives Out is very like Street Spirit, just not quite as good.
The Next Album

So, what can we expect from Radiohead's next album.... I dunno don't ask me

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